Prevent Home Fires During Holiday Season

This Holiday season make sure you and yours stay merry, warm and safe by following these tips:

  • Place Christmas trees, candles, and other holiday decorations at least three feet away from heat sources like fireplaces, portable heaters, radiators, heat vents and candles.
  • Purchase flame retardant metallic or artificial trees. If you purchase a real tree, make sure that it has fresh, green needles that aren’t easily broken. Keep live trees as moist as possible by giving them plenty of water.
  • Make sure that light strings and other holiday decorations are in good condition. Do not use anything with frayed electrical cords and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Always unplug tree and holiday lights before leaving home or going to bed.
  • Never use lit candles to decorate a tree. Always extinguish candles before leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Use only sturdy tree stands designed not to tip over.  Keep curious pets and children away from Christmas trees.
  • Keep anything that can catch on fire—pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, food packaging, and towels or curtains—away from your stove top.
  • Designate one person to walk around your home to make sure that all candles and smoking materials are properly extinguished after guests leave.
  • Smoke alarms save lives.  Install a smoke alarm near your kitchen, on each level of your home, near sleeping areas, and inside and outside bedrooms if you sleep with doors closed.  Use the test button to check it each month.  Replace all batteries at least once a year.

Lakeland Chapter Asks All Supporters to Spread the Message This Holiday Season

The life saving mission of the Red Cross benefits 250 people every 60 seconds, and our impact does not stop at our own borders. 

Locally, nationally and internationally, no other organization provides our depth of services to help people prevent, prepare for and respond to all types of disasters and emergencies. This vital work starts right here, in our own community.

We are thankful for a community that supports the lifesaving mission of the Lakeland Chapter; but today I’m asking you and your friends to join me in financially supporting the mission of the American Red Cross. Many people wait to make charitable donations until the end of the year we are, however, in extraordinary times and we have an opportunity to encourage people to give to today!  The Red Cross has launched a nationwide effort to encourage people to direct their year-end gifts to the American Red Cross. The centerpiece of the giving strategy is the 2009 Holiday Giving Catalog.  It is available online at  I hope you’ll take a few minutes to browse through the offerings.

Now, here is how we need your help.  First, if you haven’t yet made a gift please consider making a gift to the Red Cross.  Second, please consider using the Holiday Catalog to give gifts that save the day to your friends and family.  Third, I’m asking you to send the link to the online catalog ( to at least five of your family and friends.  If you have a Facebook page, consider setting up a link to the catalog on your Wall.   You can make a difference – right here, right now.

If you aren’t sure what to say, use the message below to express your support for the Red Cross.

Sample message

    • A gift of any size to the American Red Cross will save the day when the next disaster strikes. When a neighbor’s house burns down. When someone needs a lifesaving blood transfusion. When a family needs to contact a deployed service member in an emergency. When a child needs a hug and a blanket. The gift that saves the day is the gift you give today. Your gift supports the lifesaving mission of the American Red Cross in your community, across the country and around the world.

Thank you again for your help and support. We are able to carry out our live saving mission because of community support. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mauree Childress by phone at 920-227-4286 or by email at

Quilters on Mission for Fallen Soldier

Reporter: Kristin Crowley, WLUK Fox 11:

To see video of story click HERE

PLYMOUTH – Before Sgt. Amy Krueger, a Kiel native, died in the Fort Hood shooting, she had a request: camouflage quilts for her unit. That request is being fulfilled in Plymouth with the help of many volunteers. The volunteers with the Camo Quilt Project are on a mission for sergeant Amy Krueger.

“She had already received a quilt from me and she sent a thank you,” said coordinator Linda Wieck.

On Sept. 29, Krueger followed that thank you with a request for 45 of these quilts for her unit. Wieck and her husband DuWayne said the quilt was a useful item Krueger wanted everyone to have.

“Some of them say they use them to throw over the tops of their vehicles when it heats up in the sun to keep themselves from burning,” said DuWayne Wieck.

Krueger’s request was a difficult one. Camo Quilt is already behind more than 200 requests for other soldiers. It takes between three and five hours for one person to make one quilt. Making 45 blankets before Krueger’s unit is deployed overseas in December would be impossible with only three of the usual volunteers. But Linda Wieck said when news of Krueger’s death arrived, hundreds of volunteers stepped up.

“We’ve got people all the way from south of Milwaukee to Madison. It’s just great,” she said.

Ninety yards of batting, 180 yards of fabric and 3000 yards of thread – that’s how much material is going into thee 45 quilts. Not to mention hundreds of hours of volunteer labor.

“It’s a labor of love, for everybody,” said Linda.

“It really made me feel good to be a part of,” said volunteer Janet Klug.

Sewing, cutting, ironing, and pinning a special ribbon as the finishing touch. There’s a job for everyone who is making a soldiers last request a reality. Krueger’s family members say they are deeply touched by the quick response from the community

“It’s so special to see all the volunteers that are here. There’s a lot of love going into everything here today,” said Dan Krueger.

It’s another way a small community has pulled together in a big way. To honor someone these people say was larger than life.

For more information visit the website at:

Show Thanks by Donating Blood and Get a Pie!

Green Bay, WI – As family and friends come together and celebrate their Thanksgiving traditions, the American Red Cross offers eligible blood donors another Thanksgiving celebration – gathering together and donating blood.

“The donation process takes about an hour, and offers families a chance to help patients in need,” said said Greg Novinska, CEO of American Red Cross Badger-Hawkeye Blood Services Region. “By donating blood with friends and family, you can increase your impact and help us maintain a sufficient blood supply throughout the holiday season.”

When you donate blood through the Red Cross, you help provide the gift of life for patients in serious medical need. The gratification you’ll feel when you donate is instant. Make an appointment to donate blood with your friends and family today. Simply call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543) or visit to make an appointment or for more information. You can change a life, starting with your own.

Donate blood at one of these locations on these dates and receive a free pie.

American Red Cross- 2131 Deckner Ave

Monday, November 23 from 2 PM to 6 PM

Tuesday November 24 from 2 PM to 6 PM

Wednesday November 25 from 2 PM to 6 PM

St. Francis Xavier Parish- De Pere, Corner of Lewis and Wisconsin

Wednesday November 25 from 12:30 PM to PM

Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3543) or visit our website at

Walk-ins Welcome!

UW-Green Bay Recognizes New Generation of Veterans

Thank you Mike Crum, for your service to our county and your service to the American Red Cross Lakeland Chapter!

By Matt Smith, WBAY TV 2   Click to see Video

Hundreds of veterans can be found on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus. Wisconsin’s newest veterans were honored Wednesday, on Veterans Day.

“I served two tours over in Iraq,” UWGB student John Bahde said.

“I did four years in the Marine Corps,” UWGB student Mike Crum said.

“I got deployed to Korea, Japan, and also Iraq,” UWGB student Matthew Christianson said.

They were once men and women armed on the front lines. Now they sit front-row in classrooms everywhere.

“We really didn’t fit in with the brand new freshmen,” Bahde remarked.

“Being a non-traditional student at the age of 30, to come back to college was really difficult,” Crum said.

At UW-Green Bay alone there are around 300 student veterans integrating into the campus this year.

For the fourth year in a row, they were honored in a special on-campus Veterans Day ceremony.

In attendance from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was Brigadier General William Gothard, commander of the 353rd Civil Affairs Command.

Green Bay’s 432nd Civil Affairs unit falls under his direction.

“We as Americans have paid a great price just in blood and in the coin of the realm,” Gothard said.

The brigadier general helped present awards to UW-Green Bay students who are about to deploy or have recently returned, including Matthew Christianson, who served five years in the Marine Corps, including time in Iraq.

“I’ve been getting little text messages all morning saying Happy Veterans Day and thanks for everything you’ve done,” Christianson said.

And that’s what this day is about, as our newest generation of veterans brings a new perspective on a day that first marked the end of World War I.

“It meant a lot more than it did when I first went in,” Christianson said. “Before I went in, it was just another day. You’d honor it, but at the same time it wouldn’t mean anything to you.”

“Just a little bit of recognition can go a long ways,” said Crum. “If you know a veteran, just thank a veteran. Thank them for their service. Appreciate what they do.”

Red Cross Services to Armed Forces Hits Close to Home

I work for the Lakeland Chapter and we have a son deployed in Afghanistan.  safTim is in the 82nd Army Airborne.  Below is an article from his company’s newsletter. Tim was deployed in August and we have already used the Red Cross Support for Armed Forces to communicate a death in our family.  Thank you to the Red Cross for providing this vital service – and for all the support you give to us. 

On this Veterans Day, we thank and salute our veterans and all of our members of the military serving today!  Thank you for your patriotism, service and devotion to our country!

Mauree and Neil Childress

Letter from:  1LT Tim Dill, 2nd


Platoon Leader, Alpha Company

Greetings! This is 2nd Platoon’s first choice to reach back to our loved ones through this newsletter. Let us assure you that we are doing well, and making the best out of every situation that we have encountered. Our time is largely absorbed with our focus on training the Afghan National Army (ANA) to more operate in their country and on interacting with and assessing the local populace.

We sought to integrate with the ANA immediately upon our arrival in Zabul Province. Our timelines are jointly planned, and include such tasks as heavy weapons training, marksmanship, weapons maintenance, physical training, and first aid. Training classes are designed by 2nd PLT’s well-qualified NCOs, who have proved insightful and knowledgeable in their subject areas. Much of the instruction is carried out by our junior Paratroopers, with guidance from their team leaders and squad leaders. This is a great chance for them to pass on the numerous skills that the Army has given them, preparing them for future leadership roles in and out of the Army.

All of these tasks, as well as our location, bring with them some inherent difficulties in communication back to the States. Know that we all miss our loved ones very much, and look forward to the times when we are able to communicate with you. Every letter, package, and phone call encourages us more than we can express, and we all thank you so much for thinking of us during this time.

The ANA has been very appreciative of the helpful training that we have provided them. Thanks to the Paratroopers of 2nd Platoon, everyday they are more qualified to operate in their local environment and face its unique challenges

We are constantly meeting our neighboring villagers as well. Almost daily we arrange joint meetings between our Paratroopers, ANA leaders, and village elders. We discuss the difficulties facing the populace as well as possible solutions over “chai,” the local tea. Our Paratroopers are well received in all villages, and have skillfully adapted to putting forth a positive image while alertly maintaining security.

Veterans Day November 11th – Honoring Our Service Men and Women

Veterans Day is a time to reflect and honor those who have served and are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. The Red Cross has a long-standing history of supporting service men and women and their families. Whether it be helping a family transition to a loved one’s deployment or welcoming home wounded service men and women, the Red Cross is there!

Also, during this time of year, the American Red Cross coordinates Holiday Mail for Heroes – sending cards of thanks and well wishes to our service men and women who are unable to be home during the holidays. Join us in honoring those who serve our United States Armed Forces.


Check out the following links for area Veterans Day Celebrations and to learn more about the American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes.


Pics From First Lakeland Chapter Open House

Be Prepared: Get a Kit

At a minimum, have the basic supplies listed below. Keep supplies in an easy to carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate.

  • Water—one gallon per person, per day (3 day supply for evacuation, 2 week supply for home)
  • Food—non perishable, easy to prepare items (3 day supply for evacuation, 2 week supply for home)
  • Flashlight
  • Battery powered or hand crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Medications (7 day supply) and medical items
  • Multi purpose tool
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with chargers
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket
  • Map(s) of the area

Consider the needs of all family members and add supplies to your kit. Suggested items to help meet additional needs are:

  • Medical supplies (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, cane)
  • Baby supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)
  • Games and activities for children
  • Pet supplies (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)
  • Two way radios
  • Extra set of car keys and house keys
  • Manual can opener

Additional supplies to keep at home or in your kit based on the types of disasters common to your area:

  • Whistle
  • N95 or surgical masks
  • Matches
  • Rain gear
  • Towels
  • Work gloves
  • Tools/supplies for securing your home
  • Extra clothing, hat and sturdy shoes
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Household liquid bleach
  • Entertainment items
  • Blankets or sleeping bags

Send a Touch of Home to Those Who Serve Our Country


Send a touch of home to the real heroes of America and their families! Holiday Mail for Heroes is back again!

For the third year in a row, the American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are working together to collect, sort and distribute holiday cards to service members, veterans and their families.

The Red Cross and Pitney Bowes will begin accepting cards on November 2, 2009. So get your pens and postage stamps ready and watch for the address in the coming weeks on

All cards must be postmarked no later than Monday, December 7, 2009. Cards postmarked after December 7 will be returned to the sender. This deadline ensures enough time to sort and distribute cards before the holidays.

Every card received will be screened for hazardous materials by Pitney Bowes and then reviewed by Red Cross volunteers working around the country.

If you would like to begin working on your cards now, here are some quick guidelines to ensure your cards makes to a hero as quickly as possible:


  • Ensure that all cards are signed.
  • Make cards more meaningful to a wide variety of recipients by using “Dear Service Member, Family or Veteran” rather than any more specific language. You are encouraged to send holiday-neutral cards rather than religious-themed cards. Note: Cards addressed to specific individuals cannot be delivered through this program.
  • Limit the number of cards to 15 from any one person or 50 from any one school class, business or group. If you are mailing a large quantity, please bundle the cards and place them in large mailing envelopes. Each card does not need its own envelope, as envelopes will be removed from all cards before distribution.

Do not…

  • Send letters. Only cards are being accepted.
  • Include email or home addresses on the cards, as the program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships.
  • Include cards with excessive amounts of glitter. Because cards may be received by wounded service members and veterans in hospitals, large quantities of glitter could aggravate existing health problems.
  • Include inserts of any kind, including photos, as these items will be removed during the reviewing